Soft Computing and Machine Learning with Python

  • Publication Year: 2019
  • ISBN: 9781773615004
  • Price: $160
  • Publisher: Arcler Press
  • Binding Type: Hardcover

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Soft Computing and Machine Learning with Python examines various aspects of machine learning with python with a detailed information on soft computing. It includes four different sections, where section 1 and 2 are dedicated towards soft computing theory and machine learning techniques and on the other hand section 3 and 4 are dedicated to the details of python language and machine learning with python. Provides the reader with the insights into the development of python and machine learning, so as to understand the classification multigraph models of secondary RNA structure using graph-theoretic descriptors.

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Dr. Jurex Gallo was conferred with his PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from De La Salle University - Manila in 2014. His expertise revolved in the fields of Material Science and Environmental Engineering focused on industrial and hazardous waste treatment and management. Presently, Dr. Gallo is affiliated as Senior Science Research Specialist of the Department of Science and Technology e-Asia Joint Research Program in the Philippines on developing functional carbon-based nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes and graphene for energy and environmental applications.